Passado dos Verbos em Inglês

Passado de “understand” em inglês.

Understand no passado em inglês:

O passado de understand /ˌəndɝˈstænd/ em inglês é “Understood” que pode ser traduzido como “Entendeu” e o passado particípio é “Understood”, que é traduzido como “Entendido”. Veja alguns exemplos abaixo de Understood em inglês.

Exemplos de “understand” no passado.

Tom understood that.
Tom entendeu isso.

I understood that.
Eu entendi isso.

I understood very well.
Eu entendi muito bem.

I never understood that.
Eu nunca entendi aquilo.

Tom understood the rules.
Tom entendeu as regras.

I’ve never understood this.
Nunca entendi isso.

I thought you understood me.
Pensei que você tinha me entendido.

I understood almost everything.
Eu entendi quase tudo.

Only a few people understood me.
Somente algumas pessoas me entenderam.

They all understood your speech.
Todos entenderam o seu discurso.

I can’t make myself understood in French.
Não consigo me fazer entender em francês.

Tom can make himself understood in French.
Tom se faz entender em francês.

Conjugação no passado:

Tabela do passado simples de Understand.

Past SimplePast Continuous (Passado Contínuo)
I UnderstoodI was Understanding
You UnderstoodYou were Understanding
He, She, It UnderstoodHe, She, It was Understanding
We UnderstoodWe were Understanding
You UnderstoodYou were Understanding
They UnderstoodThey were Understanding

Tabela do Present Prefect de Understand.

Present Perfect (Presente perfeito)Present Perfect Continuous
I have UnderstoodI have been Understanding
You have UnderstoodYou have been Understanding
He, She, It has UnderstoodHe, She, It has been Understanding
We have UnderstoodWe have been Understanding
You have UnderstoodYou have been Understanding
They have UnderstoodThey have been Understanding

Tabela do Past Prefect de Understand.

Past PerfectPast Perfect Continuous
I had UnderstoodI had been Understanding
You had UnderstoodYou had been Understanding
He, She, It had UnderstoodHe, She, It had been Understanding
We had UnderstoodWe had been Understanding
You had UnderstoodYou had been Understanding
They had UnderstoodThey had been Understanding

Aula relacionada, conheça também o passado de upload em inglês

Jackson Roger

Olá, eu sou Jackson Roger, professor de Inglês, administrador de empresas e criador de vários projetos online de sucesso que contribuem para o aprendizado da língua inglesa de milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Dedico parte da minha vida em produzir conteúdos que ajudam estas pessoas alcançarem a fluência no idioma.

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