Passado dos Verbos em Inglês

Passado de “think” em inglês.

Think no passado em inglês:

O passado de think /ˈθɪŋk/ em inglês é “Thought” que pode ser traduzido como “Pensou” e o passado particípio é “Thought”, que é traduzido como “Pensado”. Veja alguns exemplos abaixo de Thought em inglês.

Exemplos de “think” no passado.

I thought I was doing this the way you told me to.
Pensava que eu estava fazendo da maneira que você me disse.

Tom thought the watch Mary had given him was ugly.
Tom achou feio o relógio que Maria lhe deu.

When I saw him, I thought he was going to kill me.
Quando o vi, pensei que ia me assassinar.

He had no thought of becoming a teacher.
Ele não pensava em virar professor.

I never thought I’d see your face again.
Eu nunca pensei que veria o seu rosto novamente.

I never thought I’d want to buy an iPad.
Nunca pensei que eu fosse querer comprar um iPad.

I thought about what you said yesterday.
Eu pensei naquilo que você disse ontem.

I thought I’d never see you alive again.
Pensei que jamais o veria vivo de novo.

I thought the meeting had been canceled.
Achei que a reunião havia sido cancelada.

I thought the meeting had been canceled.
Eu achei que a reunião tinha sido cancelada.

I thought we were going to go somewhere.
Eu achei que iríamos para algum lugar.

I thought we’d be more comfortable here.
Eu pensei que estaríamos mais confortáveis aqui.

Conjugação no passado:

Tabela do passado simples de Think.

Past SimplePast Continuous (Passado Contínuo)
I ThoughtI was Thinking
You ThoughtYou were Thinking
He, She, It ThoughtHe, She, It was Thinking
We ThoughtWe were Thinking
You ThoughtYou were Thinking
They ThoughtThey were Thinking

Tabela do Present Prefect de Think.

Present Perfect (Presente perfeito)Present Perfect Continuous
I have ThoughtI have been Thinking
You have ThoughtYou have been Thinking
He, She, It has ThoughtHe, She, It has been Thinking
We have ThoughtWe have been Thinking
You have ThoughtYou have been Thinking
They have ThoughtThey have been Thinking

Tabela do Past Prefect de Think.

Past PerfectPast Perfect Continuous
I had ThoughtI had been Thinking
You had ThoughtYou had been Thinking
He, She, It had ThoughtHe, She, It had been Thinking
We had ThoughtWe had been Thinking
You had ThoughtYou had been Thinking
They had ThoughtThey had been Thinking

Aula relacionada, conheça também o passado de travel em inglês

Jackson Roger

Olá, eu sou Jackson Roger, professor de Inglês, administrador de empresas e criador de vários projetos online de sucesso que contribuem para o aprendizado da língua inglesa de milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo. Dedico parte da minha vida em produzir conteúdos que ajudam estas pessoas alcançarem a fluência no idioma.

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